Agrinir feeds analysis stars at the Livestock Event in Birmingham

AgriNIR™ : The Greenforage solution for feeds analysis

During the Livestock event in Birmingham the 3rd and 4th of July Greenforage presented their new solution for daily feed analysis: the portable NIR analizer AgriNIR™ produced by the italian company Dinamica Generale



During the Livestock Event 2013 in Birmingham Greenforage introduced the new portable feeds analysis AgriNIR. Appointed as the official distributor for the UK by the italian company Dinamica Generale, who produce the AgriNIR, Greenforage completes its range of products focusing on its mission of providing money saving solution for dairy farmers.

The AgriNIR™ is a portable NIR analysis system able to perform analysis on any type of cattle feed, in any weather condition and in real time.

There was a lot of interest at the show, from farmers keen to keep costs under control and to make the most of the feed they have available, but also from nutritionists and vets keen to be able to have a real time check of the feeds for the cattle of the farmers they look after.

Performing feed analysis can be expensive,  often it is not available when needed, and the analysis is only “as good as the sample you test”. For this reason most of the farmers perform feed tests once in a while, missing most of  the benefits that can come from an accurate check.

With the AgriNIR this can be done as many as as often as the farmers ( or the nutritionist ) need to.

We thank all the visitors that brought their feeds to our stand,  had a free instant analysis with the printout of the result.