Farmers Guardian of this week talks about us and our new NIR feeds analizer.
The portable system of anaysis based on NIR technology was presented at the Livestock Event 2013.

” Now in its fourth year of importing the Italian-made range of Bonino zero grazing self-loading feeder wagons, distributor Green Forage is also offering a portable forage analysis system.
Aimed at nutritionists and feed companies, the £20,000 Agri forage analsier uses Near Infrared (NIR) technology to measure the nutrient content of feed materials including moisture, starch, crude protein, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre, ash and crude fat.
The manufacturer says with this system multiple samples can be taken in a short space of time to more accurately determine the makeup of your feed. This information can then be used by the nutritionist to determine diets.
It works by inserting a sample into the portable device which produces a digital readout within 60 seconds. This can also be printed out by the device, or the data can be transferred via a USB stick to be included in feed management tools.
The firm says it is accurate to within one per cent and only needs calibrating once a year. “