Feeds Analyzer Demo and Service

AgriNIR™ feeds analyzer working session

We provide different opportunities to test and try our feeds analyzer



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Business Meeting / Event Evening

Let’s spend some time talking about our solutions

One of our portable NIR analysis specialists is available to attend business meetings with consultants and customers to demonstrate the features and diverse applications of the AgriNIR™. Our expert will perform real time NIR analysis of samples of different feeds brought along by partecipants , with a demo unit of our analyzer, and will provide printouts with the results. This provides an opportunity to experience our forage analyzer’s speed and the simplicity of  its usage. This package is ideal for Feed Consultant organizations, Veterinary organizations and Feed Representatives.


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Demo Day in the field

Try the AgriNIR™ for one day

A solution created for those wanting to try our portable forage analyzer in the field and to verify the performance of the system during actual work sessions.  Visit customers for one day, test their feeds in real time and make the most of the portability and the ‘plug and play’ features of the AgriNIR™. During the whole demo day one of our specialists will be exclusively dedicated to providing information and support to the operator.



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Trial Period

Have the machine and give it a go

Designed for people,  like consultants, nutritionists, veterinarians, and representatives, who want to have a real, extended experience of what, and how many, advantages our analysis machine can offer them in their work.  The Trial Period allows you to have our  fully functional AgriNIR ™  for an agreed period.