Livestock Event 2014

New NIR onboard analyser system for forages and feeds

After introducting the portable forage analyzer AgriNIR™ into the UK market, Greenforage is now launching its latest innovative analysis solution: the PrecisionFEEDING™


(Kendal — June 24, 2014) The need to constantly monitor the variability of grass silage, maize silage and TMR throughout the year is becoming the key to success in the farming industry whether we are talking about dairy farmers, arable farmers or biogas plant managers. Instant feed quality checks  are now possible for any farmers with our Precision FEEDING™ onboard NIR analyser system that performs a real time analysis directly onboard of your front loader or of your scraper and allows the user to adjust the quantity of what goes on the Mixer Wagon in real time making sure the diet established by the consultant is always what is really fed .

Precision FEEDING

Precision FEEDING™  Key Points:

(a) The specific nutritional requirements of all types of stock  can be met.

(b) Expensive purchased feed can be utilized most efficiently, reducing costs and improving margins.

(c) Forages can be monitored throughout the season to ensure diets are fine-tuned as quality fluctuates.

Forage analysis, either wet chemistry or NIR,  is often undertaken infrequently. The process is  slow and expensive and most of all, the forage analysis is only as good as the sample taken. The onboard NIR system allows continuous analysis making valuable information available to farmers and nutritionists in real time allowing to control the variability of the dry matter directly in the silage pit can change also of  15% – 20% .

The instrument is pre-loaded with NIR calibration curves for 7 NIR Families (Crop Families) and with a total of 44 curves. Other crop families and calibration curves can be supplied on request.

The PrecisionFEEDING™ can be installed on any type of front loaders, scrapers, or loading machines; once installed it does not require any technical expertise, it is a ready-to-use system needing no sample preparation. The system can interact with the electronic system of the mixer wagons adjusting the composition of the mix in real time with a significant increase in precision.

Greenforage Ltd, already UK sole distributor of the Bonino  self- loading grazer  wagons, and official distributor of Dinamica Generale’s NIR product  is proud to present to the UK market this unique solution at the Livestock Event 2014 Stand LE 356 Equipment and Machinery section.