
NIR sensor installation – Case study

NIR sensor EvoNIR on combine harvester

The Greenforage/Robustrack team recently installed an NIR sensor on a combine harvester. As an introduction, here’s a description of sensor: The EvoNIR 4.0 Analyzer with ISOBUS protocol can be connected to any virtual terminal with built-in ISOBUS task controller and can be installed on forage harvesters, combines, balers, forage wagons, slurry tankers, compactors, feed mixers … Read more

X-Nir on show at Maize Growers Association

We will be at the Maize Growers Association on the 23rd February showcasing our X-NIR™ hand held portable analyser.     We shall discussing the benefits of the device and how you can increase the number of analysis carried out with no extra cost. To find out more please visit :


JULY 6-7th, NEC BIRMINGHAM Come down to our Greenforage Stand LE 562  to find out all about the Bonino zero grazer range of machines! We are really looking forward to answering any queries and sharing news and stories with old and new friends!


AT THE AHDB CONFERENCE 2 DAYS AGO THE PROFITABILITY OF GRASS CUT AND CARRY, TO INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF GRASS IN THE COW’S DIET, WAS REALLY DISCUSSED.   David Keiley from the SRUC gave a very very interesting speach on the results of the trial the did last year using one of our Bonino Zero … Read more

Livestock Event 2014

New NIR onboard analyser system for forages and feeds After introducting the portable forage analyzer AgriNIR™ into the UK market, Greenforage is now launching its latest innovative analysis solution: the PrecisionFEEDING™   (Kendal — June 24, 2014) The need to constantly monitor the variability of grass silage, maize silage and TMR throughout the year is … Read more

Feeds NIR analisys at Oakshall Farm

Huw McConichie of Winnstay joined us two days ago as we carried out a grass silage, corn silage and TMR analysis at the Oakshall Farm, just outside Pentesbury.  Sam Pearson wished to have the quality of his feed checked and he wanted to see how the different cuts of silage he made during the summer … Read more

Grass silage analysis performed in Kendal

Thursday the 21st of November we did a grass silage analysis at the Low Sizergh Barn Farm, just outside Kendal.  Richard Park wanted to have the quality of his feed checked and he wanted to see how the 3 different cut of silage he made during the summes were performing in terms of nutrients. So we did a … Read more

Cheshire Ploughing and Hedgelaying Match

Cheshire Ploughing Match 2013 October 2013   Green Forage enjoyed an amazing day at the first Cheshire Ploughing and Hedgelaying Match the company has attended. Interest in the Bonino range of grazer wagons from farmers keen to reduce input costs was fantastic. Thank you to all those who came to chat to us and especially to … Read more

British Dairying on the AgriNIR™ NIR analysis system

British Dairying issue of July had an article on our new nir analysis system. The portable system of anaysis AgriNIR™ based on NIR technology was presented at the Livestock Event 2013.   “Cumbrian-based Greenforage have introduced a portable analyser for forage and feed on to the UK market. AgriNIR is a portable NIR analyser for forages, grains … Read more