
NIR Analysers

Dinamica Generale is a leader in Near-Infrared (NIR) technology, offering a range of analysers designed for real-time material analysis across various industries, including agriculture and food processing. Their NIR analyzers are known for their accuracy, flexibility and durability, enabling users to perform on-site analyses efficiently.

X-NIR™ -Handheld Analyser

The X-NIR™ is a state-of-the-art handheld NIR analyser designed to provide instant, accurate analysis of forages and grains. With its patented technology, this portable device allows users to measure key nutritional parameters in seconds, optimising feed quality and maximising efficiency.

AGRINIR 4.0™ – Portable

The AgriNIR 4.0™ is a cutting-edge, portable Near-Infrared (NIR) analyser designed for rapid on-site analysis of forages, grains, slurry and digestate. This app-based, GPS-enabled device delivers highly accurate results in seconds, making it the ideal solution for farmers, nutritionists and feed professionals.

EVONIR 4.0 – Onboard

The EvoNIR 4.0™ is a cutting-edge on-board NIR analyser designed for real-time, in-field material analysis. It is compatible with forage harvesters, combines, balers, forage wagons, slurry tankers, compactors and feed mixers, making it an essential tool for precision farming and livestock management.

These analysers empower users to make informed decisions by providing real-time data on material composition, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and product quality.

For a visual demonstration of the AgriNIR™ analyser’s benefits, you might find this video helpful: